What I have learned about people and organizations...so far.

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Affirm Those Closest To You

 Endear Yourself to Your Spouse

I like small decorative hinged boxes.  One such box is open and has cards and notes from my wife to me.  It is in constant view of my desk.  I place each new card in front of the last.  As I look at it now I see the words, “When I think of you…” 
There is nothing more personal that we can do for our most important partner in life then to affirm them in writing.  It is really simple to do.  If they take their lunch to work, have you ever slipped in a warm note to surprise them later?  A card on their pillow is a great way to end their day.  Also, a note in a suitcase will encourage them when they travel. 

Children Love It

Children love to receive handwritten communication as well.  I remember a time when I was separated from my kids and I would write them cards telling them that I was thinking about them.  There were also occasions when I praised them for a particular character quality or acknowledged a special accomplishment. The handwritten note increased the impact of my affirmation.

Handwritten communication is a powerful tool.  It is:

  1. Personal.  It is direct, requires no intervention of another, and separates you out from all others.
  2. Purposeful.  There is nothing ambiguous about a written note.  It is totally intentional.  The person delivering the message is “all in” concerning the relationship.
  3. Perpetual.  Personal written communication lives on long after it is delivered. It stays fresh, you can reread it, relive it and it is never lost.

Who can you reach out to today with a handwritten greeting, comment or encouragement?  My suggestion is that you start with family, then friends and finally coworkers.  Your affirmation will blow them away!


"Letters are among the most significant memorial a person can leave behind them."  Johann Wolfgang von 


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