What is Being Courageous all About?
We have heard it stated repeatedly
that courage is not the absence of fear. Those in war are the first to
admit that they feel fear when they acted with courage.
Courage comes in two forms.
Physical courage includes things like the ability to confront fear, pain,
danger, uncertainty, or intimidation. Moral courage can be described as the
ability to act rightly in the face of popular opposition, shame, scandal, or
discouragement. It is in these circumstances that courage enables us to
stand firm.
The historical biblical account of
Caleb and Joshua recounts their reconnaissance mission into the Promised
Land. They saw the same giants as the others who were with them but
responded with courage. Later, Joshua, as he was preparing to lead his
army to fight these same giants, was repeatedly reminded to not be fearful but
to act with courage.
Acting with courage is your
decision to do the right thing regardless of the physical or moral cost.
You do this because of what you value in life.
- If you value freedom, then you will fight for it.
- If you value your family, then you will protect
- If you value justice, then you will stand up for the
falsely accused even if you are his or her only advocate.
When we are courageous, we do the right thing regardless of the possible cost because we are led by our values.
is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that
counts." Winston Churchill