What I have learned about people and organizations...so far.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

What About Really Difficult People?

I use the term “really difficult” because, I hate to break it to you, most of us are “difficult” in some way or another.  Thankfully, most people do not fall into the “really difficult” category.  Unless we have some level of authority over a person, and can deal with their dysfunction directly, we are left with just a few options.  Here are my thoughts:

  • Find at least one (hopefully more) redeeming quality and focus on it/them.
  • Set boundaries such as limiting time spent together to only essential matters.
  • Don’t expect them to ever be different. 
  • Fight the natural inclination of feeling contempt.
How do you “Respect Yourself?” Do it by first demonstrating respect to those at your workplace, social settings and at home. Avoid the plague of contempt and exercise discipline by holding others in a place of honor. Remember that “respect not expressed is not respect.”

Directive: Avoid drinking the contempt cocktail (disgust plus anger).  Actively practice expressing respect.