5. Commit to Reflect and Reward.
Once the task is completed, stop and observe what has been accomplished. Take some time to enjoy the “fruits of your labor.” Allow yourself to feel a sense of triumph and pride. Next, evaluate what you learned and decide what you will do differently on future projects. Conducting a postmortem will improve your future performance. Finally, what was the nice thing you planned to do to reward yourself or your team? This “reward time” is where you celebrate the great work done by all. Having a reward before you at the start is also useful throughout the project to provide motivation and encouragement when things are not going well.
The next time you seek out “new worlds,” no matter how big or small, first work through these five steps.
· Commit to Prevail.
· Commit to Plan a Strategy.
· Commit to Manage Distractions and Interruptions.
· Commit to Set “Time Frame” Goals.
- Commit to Reflect and Reward.
If you do, you will stay focused and finish strong and like the explorers before you, you will “unfailingly arrive at (your) chosen goal or destination.”