What I have learned about people and organizations...so far.

Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Advice For When We Hit The Wall

We Get Tired and Think We Need a Rest
I will not deny that on occasion the press of life gets so great that we legitimately need a forced rest.  Most of the time, however, we are like a long-distance runner who “hits a wall.”  Marathon runners reach a point half way through the race where they believe that they can go no further.  Everything in them wants to stop.  Runners have learned, however, to push through this phase of the race.  Seemingly, from out of nowhere comes a burst of energy, the wall crumbles and they can finish the race.

It is that way for those of us who run the race of life, as well.  Yes, we are tired, but just on the other side of our desire to rest there is a burst of energy that will take us all the way into the end-zone.  F. Scott Fitzgerald said it like this, “There are only the pursued, the pursuing, the busy and the tired.”  Don’t buy into the lie of the latter.  Press on just a little longer!