What I have learned about people and organizations...so far.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Make a Roadmap for Your Future with the Help of a Life Purpose Coach

You probably saw it, too. Self professed daredevil, Felix Baumgartner, standing poised in the open hatch of his capsule, suspended 24 miles above the Earth.  He was about to descend back to Earth in a 9 minute free-fall at speeds greater then the speed of sound.  No man had ever attempted such a feat.  As he was about to jump, he said he felt “humbled.”  Perhaps you also saw the picture of him standing outside his capsule with the curvature of the earth behind him.  On one hand he must have felt very small, but on the other he was likely impacted with the vastness of life and all the opportunities that exist.

Scenes like this really motivate me.  I like to think about the possibilities and “what if’s” of life.  Unfortunately, that is not the way I live most days.  Most days are spent in my little world doing what must be done, wondering if I will get it all done, and questioning whether or not I am doing it right.  Perhaps that describes most of your days as well.