What I have learned about people and organizations...so far.

Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Meet the Neighbors: Positivity & Hopeful

My father used to have a picture of a Basset Hound (the saddest looking dog in the world) hanging in his office with the caption “Act enthusiastic and you’ll be enthusiastic.” Dad was the consummate positive thinker and I have benefited greatly from his example.
Acting positively isn’t a game or a trick. It really works. While I am not suggesting that you discount reality, I am suggesting that when we approach life with a positive attitude things generally work out better. Be a “glass is half full” kind or person and be a positive force to those around you. 

  • Hopeful is positivity’s next door neighbor. Hopeful says:It is going to be a good day. 
  • Things are going to go well at today’s board meeting.
  • I will have the wisdom to know how to act if something goes wrong.
  • What may break can be fixed.
  • Even though I didn’t sleep, well I will have the energy I need for the day.

Hope looks forward to a good outcome, hopefully.