“Who am I?” is Everything
This question may seem elementary or the statement of an amnesiac.
However, if we cannot clearly and quickly answer it, we risk making poor
decisions and perhaps never reaching our full potential. We are all
products of our family heritage, educational background, work experience
and spiritual experience. It is very easy to loose our true identity
based only on an understanding of “what we do” and “what others expect
of us.” To answer the question, “who am I?” it is essential that we
stop for a moment and reflect.
I wrestled with this question for the first time in my early 20’s. I
felt frustrated as I pondered what I had been put on this earth to do.
Fortunately, I had the opportunity to share my dissatisfaction with an
older gentlemen who I trusted. As I was describing my situation and the
pulling of others to make the choices they had made, he calmly said to
me, “You just need to be the best George Gundlach you can be.” I was
stunned by his words. The thought was both freeing and terrifying. It
was first freeing to find someone without an agenda for me. The
terrifying part was wondering how I was to discover my purpose that was
lodged deep within my DNA.