What I have learned about people and organizations...so far.

Thursday, February 28, 2013

How do You Identify Your Passion?

I discovered what I am passionate about through the GPS Life Journey (GPS).  GPS is a coach-led curriculum that I took several years ago and now teach.  I was asked to answer nine critical questions to help me identify my passions.  Here are a few examples:

  • If you could do anything you wanted to do, what would it be?
  • What are the things that really should be done to improve life?
  • When you are dreaming about the future and what you would like to do “some day,” what is that dream?
  • What things have you done in the past that really excited you? 
The beauty of this process is that it allows you to step back from the demands of the day and begin to get in touch with who we are, think big thoughts and even bigger dreams.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

What is Better than Enthusiasm?

There are days when we are just not “feeling it” and, like the poster says, we have to pump up our enthusiasm to perform.  There is also a higher form of enthusiasm called passion.  Passion is boundless enthusiasm! It is something for which we feel intense emotion.  Passion compels us in our thoughts and actions.  Merriam-Webster describes passion as an “intense, driving, or overmasting feeling or conviction.”  We always have the energy to engage in activities we feel a passion for.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Act Enthusiastic and You will be

My father was the head of marketing for the world’s largest boat manufacturer.  He was also a lover of exotic automobiles.  On occasion when his car was in the shop (which seemed to be quite frequent), my mother and I would pick him up from work.  Mom would stay in the car, and I would go to his office to tell him that we had arrived.

The executive offices of this behemoth boat company were palatial.  They were much like you would remember from a 60’s movie.  They were oversized, had lots of windows, and were decorated to the hilt.  One day, as I sat quietly waiting for him to finish his dictation, my eyes were drawn to a large wall poster.  It was a big picture of a Basset Hound (a dog with the saddest of faces) and the headline read, “Act Enthusiastic and You will be Enthusiastic.”  The contrast of the picture and the caption made a powerful point.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

We All Need a Coach
Athletes have coaches.  Debaters have coaches.  Business leaders have coaches.  You and I need a coach as well.  That person helps us excel in one of the biggest gifts we have been given…the gift of this life.  I know that I was created for a purpose and I believe that the same is true for every human being. That is why having a good coach is critical.  He helps us to: 

  • Identify barriers.
  • Weigh opportunities.
  • See the bigger picture.
  • Establish goals.
  • Explore options.
  • Make decisions.

Working with a coach will help you produce the next steps and a plan of action for your life.  Don’t you think it is about time to be done with mediocrity and to pursue the thing you were put here on earth to do?  Your Life Purpose Coach will help lift you out of the muddy mire, help you to dry ground and guide you on your way to identifying and perusing your destiny.

Directive:  Get a Life Purpose Coach and begin actively pursuing your future.