Eight Attributes of a Great Leader # 1
Are you a Chairman, President, CEO, Pastor, department head or project leader? If you are or aspire to be, there are several highly critical attributes of good leadership. From my experience I have learned that great leaders possess eight qualities:
1. Highly visible.
A great leader takes the time to get to know those who are working for him/her. More then having an open door policy, they circulate through their team several times a day encouraging, clarifying, and affirming them.
A great leader takes the time to get to know those who are working for him/her. More then having an open door policy, they circulate through their team several times a day encouraging, clarifying, and affirming them.
Ok leader, how do you measure up against this standard? If
it is missing from your present management style, include it today and
you’ll begin to see results tomorrow. (To be continued.)