What is Your Cheerfulness?
Early American author William Fender is credited with the quote “Early morning cheerfulness can be extremely obnoxious”.
(And now, another one of my childhood stories.)
When I was in the first grade our music teacher, Mrs. Holbrook, taught us some songs that we presented one night to our parents. One song was called ”Good Morning Merry Sunshine”. It went like this:
“Good morning merry sunshine, how did you wake so soon? You scared the little stars away and shined away the moon. I saw you to go to sleep last night before I ceased my playing. How did you get way over there and where have you been staying?”
My father must have like the song because he proceeded to wake my brother and me up every morning for several years singing it at the top of his lungs. While his early morning cheerfulness felt obnoxious at the time, it did teach a powerful lesson for starting the day with cheerfulness.