What I have learned about people and organizations...so far.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Act Enthusiastic and You will be

My father was the head of marketing for the world’s largest boat manufacturer.  He was also a lover of exotic automobiles.  On occasion when his car was in the shop (which seemed to be quite frequent), my mother and I would pick him up from work.  Mom would stay in the car, and I would go to his office to tell him that we had arrived.

The executive offices of this behemoth boat company were palatial.  They were much like you would remember from a 60’s movie.  They were oversized, had lots of windows, and were decorated to the hilt.  One day, as I sat quietly waiting for him to finish his dictation, my eyes were drawn to a large wall poster.  It was a big picture of a Basset Hound (a dog with the saddest of faces) and the headline read, “Act Enthusiastic and You will be Enthusiastic.”  The contrast of the picture and the caption made a powerful point.