What I have learned about people and organizations...so far.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Never Ceasing Wars


What's Being Resolved Got To Do With It?
In the dark days of World War II all of Britain was hanging on the resolve of Sir Winston Churchill. Churchill, however, was a damaged person no different that you and I. Did you know that Churchill had to overcome many limitations, such as a serious speech impediment and an outright panic concerning public speaking?  Sounds like he had some resolving of his own to do, too.
Being resolved results from analyzing something complex into a simpler form.  In doing so we remove confusion.  Resolution begins with analyzing, understanding and then defining our position.  It is not good enough to take someones word for it.  To be resolved we must do the hard work of doing our own research and coming to our own conclusion.  Once we do this we own our belief and can hold our ground and not move from it. 
Here is an example.  Which politician’s position on how to fix immigration do you believe?  I would suggest you believe none of them.  If you want to become resolved on what it will take to have a working immigration system you will have to do some serious reading and analysis.  Once you do, common threads will be revealed and you will achieve understanding.  At that point, you can define your belief and be resolved that you really know what needs to happen.  Then if someone challenges you, you will have the understanding and strength to stand resolved.
Yes, the 21stcentury is a scary place.  Maybe you are facing something and you are scared just like the British were. Perhaps you are sensing that the equivalent of an invading force is about to be unleashed on you.  Here is the plan: 

  • Be Courageous: Do the right thing no matter what.
  • Be Cheerful: It will make you and others feel better.
  • Be Resolute: Analyze, understand and define the matter and stand firm.

Like a lot of the things we worry about, the Germans never did invade England.  While they bombed her and terrorized the British with randomly aimed buzz bombs, the courage, cheerfulness and resolve of the British (and the fact that America took their side in the fight) brought them through.  It will do the same for you and me no matter what we may be facing. 

"Be sure to put your feet in the right place then stand firm."  Abraham Lincoln