What I have learned about people and organizations...so far.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

It was the philosopher Plato who penned one of the shortest verses ever written by a great thinker when he wrote two simple words, “Know thyself.”   So, to discover our destiny the first question we have to answer is “Who am I?”

The question, “Who and I?” may seem elementary or the statement of an amnesiac. We are all a product of our family heritage, educational background, work experience and spiritual experience.  However for many, we loose our identity on the road of “what we do” and “what others expect of us.”  We stop evaluating life; and end up just riding along instead of intentionally driving life in a planned direction.

The question of “Who am I?” is the most important question we will ever embrace.  I first wrestled with this question was when I was in my early 20’s.  I had some life experiences, gained a degree and had found favor in my profession.  However, at the same time, I had this nagging unanswered question as I struggled to understand what I had been put on this earth to do.  For sure I was young and idealistic, but I really believed that I had a specific roll to fill and I wanted to find it.

As I was in the midst of seeking answers to the question “Who am I?” I shared my frustration with an older gentlemen that I trusted. As I was describing my dilemma and the pulling of others to go in their direction he calmly said to me, “I want you to be the best George Gundlach you can be.”  I was stunned by his words.  The thought was both freeing and terrifying.  It was freeing to find someone without an agenda for me.  The terrifying part was wondering how I was to discover my purpose that was lodged somewhere deep within my DNA.  Now, having aged a bit, I find myself along with many others asking that question, “Who am I?” again.