Core values begin to form in us from an early age. It is usually a
parent that is the first depositor into our core value account. Family
psychologist Dr. James Dobson has said, “Children are not casual guests
in our home. They have been loaned to us temporarily for the purpose of
loving them and instilling a foundation of values on which their future
lives will be built.”
A great example of this is a story my wife Nancy tells. One Christmas
she questioned her father on why he was giving to the poor when their
own family had unmet needs. Her father responded, “Because there are
people who are worse off than we are.” That simple interchange produced
a core value in her of sacrificial giving.
In our early years teachers and coaches can also influence or core
values. I remember my high school civics teacher, Mr. Sokol. He would
walk around the classroom asking students questions about the prior
evening homework assignment. When we did not have a ready answer he
would way, “Something for nothing. You can’t get something for
nothing.” His daily recitation instilled in his students the value of
the importance of learning.
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