Different Strokes for Different Folks.
The need to receive compliments has a lot to do with our personality. When I coach people in the GPS curriculum, which helps people discover the next steps for their life, one of the first things they learn is what type of personality they have been given. If you are familiar with the DISC personality profile, you know there are four distinct personality types. “D” dominance, “I” influence, “S” steadiness and “C” contentiousness. If someone is a “D” or “C” personality, they appreciate but do not need compliments. They do well with or without them. On the other hand, “I” and “S” personality types need compliments to feel good about themselves. In their case it is also important to differentiate between the two personalities. This is important because an “I” who demonstrates enthusiasm, and is energetic and full of life likes to be complimented publicly. On the other hand an “S” who is warm, relational, a team player, and hesitant to lead needs compliments, but prefers to receive them privately.
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