What I have learned about people and organizations...so far.

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

How to Succeed at Communication

Balance What You Have To Say With What They Want to Hear.
I was running a publishing company when a mentor told me “George, communication occurs when you balance what you want to say with what the audience wants to hear.”   He was pointing out the problem that when we prepare for a one-on-one meeting, a speech, or written communication we tend to focus on what we want to say and what we want the receiver to do to the exclusion of considering their needs.  

Your message will fail if you neglect to take into account the needs of the reader or listener.  Ask yourself: what are their needs and what is it that would make them more successful?  Put yourself in their shoes and consider: how does the message sound, what’s in it for them, how does it improve their life and how are they inspired?   Consider testing the message on a select few just in case you have missed something that could derail you.  

"The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn't said.”  Peter Drucker

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Better Communication

Know Your Audience.
Do you know your audience?  Really?  Who are the key people you want to persuade?  Have you had casual conversation to assess their temperature before rolling out your message? Have you investigated their needs?  Do you know the condition of their personal lives?  All of these questions and more are critical to being an effective communicator.

Haven’t you been on the receiving end of an ill-researched message that you either did not or would not receive?  How about the business owner who, due to tough economic times, has to cut his employees pay and a few days later asks his employees for donations to a pet charity.  Consider an employee whose boss asks her to take on greater responsibility and work extra hours without considering that she is going through a divorce and dealing with a serious physical situation. In each case, the one who had something to say did not know the needs and condition of their audience.  Not only did they not achieve their objective, but their insensitivity likely damaged his audience.

Before we communicate, we must do the work necessary to know our audience.  Test the water first by talking over your message with someone you trust.  They may have insight to some of the sensitivities of the audience.   It was George Bernard Shaw that wisely stated,“The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place."

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Who's Your Coach

Great Leaders have a Coach and a Strategic Plan

We only grow when we are challenged by people more experienced than we are.  This kind of outside mentoring increases our competence. Whether through a trade or professional association, consultant, management coach, or simply having the input of someone more experienced, great leaders seek the advice of experts so that they can be their best.  

This view from the outside helps us see more clearly and increase our impact.  Bill Gates has said, "Everyone needs a coach. It doesn't matter whether you're a basketball player, a tennis player, a gymnast or a bridge player."

Great leaders work from a written strategic plan no matter how small the task.  They constantly measure their progress in achieving their objectives.  More importantly, they are flexible and adjust the plan as needed. 

Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Courageous Leadership

Great Leaders Give Responsibility and Authority and They Want the Truth
A good leader recognizes that, once responsibility is given, everyone needs the authority and independence to make decisions.  Without authority and a measure of freedom people are typically unsuccessful and become frustrated and discouraged.

Good leaders also what you to tell them the truth, not what they want to hear.  They value the input of their team.  Many times, the best ideas and greatest wisdom comes from those working in the trenches.  Great leaders ask their team what they think and take their ideas seriously. 

Good leaders are courageous.  In Winston Churchill’s words, "Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak; courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen."

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

I Believe in You

Great Leaders Affirm Those They Lead. 
Great leaders tell people about their positive qualities, and praise their accomplishments.  This kind of affirmation raises people’s performance to the next level.  

Great leaders place people ahead of results, direct their improvement, and deal with problems swiftly.
Tell your team members that you believe in them as John C. Maxwell puts is, "...everyone needs encouragement...and is changed by it."