What I have learned about people and organizations...so far.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

What’s the Big Deal?

What’s the Big Deal?

Not apologizing, beyond lacking integrity, can cause you big problems and create strife within your organization.  The big deal is that if you don’t apologize you run the risk of loosing the relationship. Also, by not apologizing you run the risk of creating an enemy who will likely undercut you at every turn.  In addition, if you do not apologize correctly you run the risk of starting an argument and digging an even bigger hole for yourself.  So take the baby steps seriously…they are important.

While “Love means never having to say you are sorry” is a sorry concept, living does offer numerous opportunities for us to correct our blunders.  Oh, I just remembered, I did something to someone that I need to apologize for.   I’ve got to go.  How about you? 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Move on

15.  Move on 
Now it’s time to move forward.  Avoid the human tendency to play things over in your head again and again.  Don’t beat yourself up.  It’s over.  Now act like it. 
(To be continued.)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

What can I do?

14.  What can I do?   
Here’s an old fashioned concept: Restitution.  Ask them what you can do to make it up to them.  If restitution is appropriate do more then they ask or expect.  Restitution will make your apology even more genuine. 
(To be continued.)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Give them room

13.  Give them room
What if they can’t accept your apology?  Accept them where they are and give them time.  Ask if perhaps you could get together at a later date.  Remember that even if you do your best you cannot control their response.
(To be continued.)

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Ask forgiveness

12.  Ask forgiveness
This is powerful!  Akin with humility, lowering yourself to ask forgiveness proves our genuineness.  It is also powerful for the other person because if they can accept your apology and forgive you, then they are unconditionally releasing you.  The relationship will likely experience a large growth spurt and there will be no residual awkwardness. 
(To be continued.)

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Is this a good time?

11.  Is this a good time?
Submit your request to speak to the one you have wronged.  Give them the right to schedule another time.  This conversation needs to be on their terms and within their comfort level. 
(To be continued.)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Rehearse it

10.  Rehearse it
Briefly rehearse what you want to say.  Writing it down can help order your thoughts and communicate clearly to the one you have harmed. 
(To be continued.)

Thursday, August 4, 2011

No excuses

9.  No excuses
Remember the comic Flip Wilson and his famous line “The devil made me do it”.  Unfortunately, Flip was wrong.  The only thing we can truly control is ourselves.  When apologizing make no excuses.   
(To be continued.)

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Own it

8.  Own it
By your demeanor, tone of voice and eye contact show the seriousness with which you regard what you did to the offended party.  If appropriate, extend your hand or perhaps touch their shoulder to further communicate that you understand the gravity of your failure.
(To be continued.)